A350 紧急撤离程序中 SIDE 1 & 2 ISOL 设置描述的一点错误

小字内容说如果之前执行了烟雾程序, SIDE 1 & 2 ISOL 会被被设置到 ON ,如果执行后面关车动作就会导致 DC EVAC 汇流条断电。但是从系统章节描述来看,DC EVAC 并不会断电。空客说这个描述确实有问题,实际上应该是 DC EMER 网络中的一些子汇流条会被卸载,后续会修改描述。具体参考 TechRequest 原文:


In the emergency evacuation follows the smoke procedure, why setting SIDE 1 & 2 ISOL pb-sw ON will cause DC EVAC busbar not electrically supplied? As the diagrams below, in emergency network, only AC EMER 1&2 will disconnect after setting SIDE 1 & 2 ISOL pb-sw ON.


In the SMOKE procedure, when the ELEC SIDE 1&2 ISOL pb-sw is set to ON, and the VFGs of one side are set to OFF, some specifics busbars of the DC EMER network of the side set to off are automatically shed. On those busbars, there are, among others, the emergency lighting system and some display units of the associated side.

So, in the EMER EVAC procedure, if the ELEC SIDE 1&2 ISOL pb-sw is still set to ON when the ENG MASTERS are set to OFF, those systems will not be power supplied. As consequence, there will be no emergency light in the cabin for the passengers evacuation, and the flight crew will not have any more the MISC EMER EVAC procedure available as the display units will be off. It is therefore necessary to have the ELEC SIDE 1&2 ISOL pb-sw set to OFF before the engines are set to off, to keep those systems operating.

We agree that the wording of the MISC EMER EVAC procedure line is not correct as it is not the DC EVAC busbar that is not power supplied during the SMOKE procedure, but another sub-busbar of the DC EMER network not mentioned in the FCOM. We will therefore update the comment of the following procedure line:

The new comment will be:

If the emergency evacuation follows the smoke procedure, the SIDE 1&2 ISOL pb-sw can be set to ON, and as a consequence some systems necessary for the emergency evacuation are not electrically supplied if the engines are off, such as the emergency lighting system, and the display units, among others.
For more information, about the DC EVAC busbar, Refer to Emergency Network.

This modification will be part of the next FCOM July revision. Thank you for your input.


