A350 燃油泄漏时不能使用 BTV

A350 燃油泄漏程序的 LIMITATION 中包括"BTV: DO NOT USE"

空客解释为,燃油泄漏时不能使用反推,但是 ROW/ROP 计算是基于使用反推的,所以结果不准。BTV 使用的距离就是是 ROW/ROP 计算的,也不准,所以不能使用。




There's "BTV: DO NOT USE" in LIMITATIONS of FUEL LEAK procedure, Is it because runway of braking mechanism contaminated by leaked fuel?


The answer to your first point is provided in TR 80610206. For your convenience, you can find just below the provided answer:

In the fuel leak procedure, it is recommended to not use the reversers during landing roll.

On the other hand, the ROW/ROP computation is based on the standard use of reversers (idle reverse if runway condition/braking action is 6, max reverse otherwise). As the use of BTV is linked with the ROW/ROP computations and to avoid unexpected situation (for example: EXIT MISSED) it is recommended to not use the BTV in case of a fuel leak situation (like for other situations where the landing distance is impacted).

