
A350 在 FUEL FQMS 1 (2) FAULT 和 FUEL FQMS 1+2 FAULT 程序中,都有可以复位 FQMS 的情况,因为直接给出了 RESET BUTTON 的位置,机组很容易就直接按照程序执行了:

然而如果参考 PRO-ABN-ABN-RESET#FUEL部分的程序,会发现 FQMS 1+2 RESET 是可以复位的,但是FQMS 1 (2) RESET 却存在限制“On ground only”

这相当于给机组挖了个坑,如果单个 FQMS 不能在空中复位,就不应该在程序中直接写复位的动作,而应该要求参考复位表。这个问题在复训中被证明很容易出错。

空客在多次回复中,首先确认了需要参考系统复位表,也就是说单个 FQMS 确实不能在空中复位。我的理解是其实是没有必要,只要还有一部工作就先用着。在复位表里也能看到这个逻辑,很多系统的单故障​都是不要求复位的。而如果两部都故障了那就​死马当活马医了,​复位也不会导致更差的后果。

另外空客认为 [RESET PNL: F2] 这个方括号里的信息指向的是 FCOM 的复位表,所以机组应该去参考。​但我认为这个逻辑是不对的。从一些其他包含方括号的动作,比如 "[MFD SURV] TAWS FLAP MODE... OFF", 或者 "[QRH] SMOKE/FUMES PROC... APPLY"中可以看出,方括号中的信息都是指向执行这个动作的位置。[RESET PNL: F2] 也是一样,指向的是顶板。如果要指向 FCOM 的复位表,应该写作 [RESET TABLE: FUEL]。

空客表示,关于 [RESET TABLE: FUEL] 的建议,他们会研究一下,后续会给出回复。



In FUEL FQMS 1 (2) FAULT, FQMS can be reset without limit to on ground or in flight. However, in FUEL FQMS 1 (2) RESET, it requires "On ground only".


We carefully reviewed your request and would like to provide you with the following information related to FQMS reset.

ECAM Alert FUEL FQMS 1 (2) FAULT The blue line [RESET PNL: F2] FQMS 1 ([RESET PNL : W2] FQMS 2) .................RESET IS NOT a READ and DO PROCEDURE line that the crew should apply. This is an INFORMATION line between BRACKETS [ ] that indicates the associated page in FCOM to perform this action (A350- FCOM-DSC-31-CDS-60-10-40-ACTIVE ECAM PRO).

The crew then consults the FCOM RESET Table and performs a RESET according to restrictions and limitations if any:




As you mentioned, in A350- FCOM-DSC-31-CDS-60-10-40-ACTIVE ECAM PRO, the blue line in this procedure should refer to "action lines with information between brackets". "[RESET PNL: F2]" just indicates the position of reset C/B, "FQMS...RESET" is still a READ & DO procedure. This is the same logic as "[MFD SURV] TAWS FLAP MODE...OFF", or "[QRH] SMOKE/FUMES PROC...APPLY" (the examples of this section in FCOM).

So I don't think there is obviously instruction to pilot that they should still refer to SYSTEM RESET procedure. And in recurrent training, we have received several feedback of this confusing problem.


Some ECAM procedures have action lines between [BRACKETS] that indicate the associated MFD page on which to perform the ECAM action, e.g [MFD SURV] TAWS FLAP MODE  OFF

This means that the crew have to refer to MFD/SURV Page and select the TAWS FLAP MODE to OFF.

Or [QRH] SMOKE/FUMES PROC##APPLY, then the crew shall refer to QRH and APPLY the QRH procedure before continuing ECAM.

This is the same logic for [RESET PNL:F2]#.RESET, the crew shall refer to RESET TABLE and perform the RESET accordingly .


[MFD SURV] or [QRH] are refer to the position which the action should perform. [RESET PNL:XX] is the same logic which leading to the overhead RESET PANEL, NOT the  FCOM RESET TABLE.

When crew read the info, we'll just be lead to the specific C/B, NOT the RESET TABLE. If the intention of AIRBUS is leading crew to refer to RESET TABLE, the info between [BRACKET] should be like [RESET TABLE: FUEL]. Otherwise, it is indeed a thread which should not be in the ABN PRO.


We carefully reviewed your request and would like to provide you with the following information related to [RESET TABLE: FUEL] Thanks for your input and suggestion. Currently we can provide you only the answer in previous message. We will investigate internal and provide with you further information, but Airbus has own priority and arrange the tasks accordingly.

