
在 A350 的 MLG BAY FIRE 程序中,如果是在地面起火,分为需要撤离和不需要撤离两种情况,不需要撤离的情况下只需要做 PA 广播。那么飞机着火又不需要撤离具体是什么情况呢?

空客认为在地面起落架舱着火时,机组会及时联系 ATC 和地面机务。如果他们确认并没有着火证据,则无需撤离。但仍然需要尽快下客,并要求地面紧急设备和人员到位。

TechRequest 原文


If  MLG bay is on fire on ground, is there a case without need to evacuate?


During the MLG BAY FIRE on the ground the crew establishes communications with ATC and EMERGENCY GROUND CREW, if they confirm that there are no evidences of FIRE in the MLG then the Captain will assess and decide possibly NOT to EVACUATE the PAX. The passenger disembarkation shall be done as soon as possible under supervision and presence of Ground Emergency Personnel and equipment in the allocated area.

